Are the Holidays a Good Time or Horrid Time to Find a Match?

•December 17, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Let’s face it, being alone on the holidays when everyone gets together in couples can be a bit of a downer. You get the looks of pity and the questions from Aunt Susie like, “So are you dating anyone special….yet?,” and the dread of not being able to mark “one- plus” on the RSVP for the company holiday  party .  (One client was actually relegated to the “kids table” because they were without a date. Terrible!) And then, the ultimate loner night, of which only one is worse – Valentine’s Day –New Year’s Eve. It seems like everyone, but you, is celebrating with a date, spouse, significant other, etc. and you are spending it alone – again. It is enough to make you just wish the holidays away. But, alas, I have good news for you!

The holidays are actually a prime time for matchmaking! At 3mmatchmaker, the technique takes full advantage of the opportunities provided at social events and since you are a very active participant in finding your match (with our structure, guidance, intuition and skill), you can actually take control of making the holidays a fun, festive and worthwhile time to find your match. Surprised?  When you contact us, we can tell you more detail about the process, but in general, a fun-filled night of socializing and observation and intuition by one of our matchmakers is a necessary activity in the process. By utilizing the Laws of Attraction and the Six Degrees of Separation techniques, you can actually attract the love you desire and have fun doing it! This beats checking your email 40 times a day to see if anyone has looked at your online profile and is interested in you, right? Imagine enjoying the holidays and finding the love of your life! Seriously, for a moment, close your eyes, imagine enjoying a holiday party setting and engaging in conversation with someone who shows interest in you and makes you feel good about yourself versus being just another single loner during the holidays. Sound good? Then what are you waiting for? Contact 3mmatchmaker and make your holidays the best you have ever had and potentially enter 2010 with the love that you deserve to have.

Contact us at and change the outlook for your holidays and possibly the rest of your life!



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About 3m – After some very successful matches, 3m and others realized she had a gift. The satisfaction of seeing couples find each other and their lives change for the better was a good thing, so 3m decided to expand this, using her proven techniques, to help others. The fee is reasonable and the process is fun.

Good Follow Up to Six Degrees…..

•December 8, 2009 • Leave a Comment

I received this email from a good friend. He’s the kind of a friend that sends out one joke or article a day. I’ve looked forward to these messages for over5 years now.

The story doesn’t have to do with love or matchmaking, per se, but it says a whole lot about the importance of valuing relationships and how the Six Degrees of Separation is active in our lives every day.

Here’s the story. Hope you enjoy it:

From Character Counts:

Bear Bryant’s Lesson on Being Nice

A CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition member forwarded us this story that legendary Alabama football coach Paul “Bear” Bryant once told. Every coach should take it to heart.

I’d just been named head coach at Alabama and was in South Alabama recruiting a prospect. Getting hungry, I spied an old cinder-block building with a small sign that simply said RESTAURANT.

I go in and every head in the place turns to stare at me. Seems I’m the only white fella in the place. A big ole man in a T-shirt and cap comes over and says, “You probably won’t like it here. Today we’re having chitlins, collared greens, and black-eyed peas with cornbread. I’ll bet you don’t even know what chitlins are, do you?”

I looked him square in the eye and said, “I’m from Arkansas. I’ve probably eaten a mile of ’em. Sounds like I’m in the right place.”

They all smiled as he left to serve me up a big plate. When he comes back, he says, “You ain’t from around here then?”

I explain I’m the new football coach up in Tuscaloosa and am here to find whatever that boy’s name was. He says he’s supposed to be pretty good and gives me directions.

I leave a tip — not too big to be flashy but a good one. He told me lunch was on him. I told him for a lunch that good, I should pay. The man asked if I had a photograph he could hang up to show I’d been there. I was so new I didn’t have any yet. I took a napkin and wrote his name and address on it and told him I’d get him one.

When I got back to Tuscaloosa that night, I put the napkin under my keys so I wouldn’t forget it. Hell, back then I was excited that anybody would want a picture of me. The next day we found one, and I wrote on it, “Thanks for the best lunch I’ve ever had.”


Now let’s go a whole buncha years down the road. I’m back down in that part of the country scouting an offensive lineman. He’s got two friends going to Auburn, and he tells me he’s got his heart set on Auburn, too. I leave empty-handed.

Two days later, I’m in my office and the phone rings. It’s the kid who turned me down. He says, “Coach, do you still want me at Alabama?”

“I sure do.”

He says OK, he’ll come. I say, “What changed your mind?”

He says, “When my grandpa found out I had a chance to play for you and said no, he pitched a fit. He told me I wasn’t going nowhere but Alabama and wasn’t playing for nobody but you. He thinks a lot of you and has ever since y’all met.”

Well, I didn’t know his granddad from Adam’s housecat.

He said, “You probably don’t remember him, but you ate in his restaurant your first year at Alabama and sent him a picture he’s hung in the place ever since. That picture’s his pride and joy, and he still tells everybody about the day Bear Bryant came in and had chitlins with him. He said when you left, he never expected you to remember him or send him that picture, but you kept your word. To Grandpa, that’s everything. He said you could teach me more than football, and I had to play for a man like you.”

I was floored. I learned the lessons my mama taught me were always right: It don’t cost nuthin’ to be nice. It don’t cost nuthin’ to do the right thing most of the time. And it costs a lot to lose your good name by breakin’ your word.

When I went back to sign that boy, I looked up his Grandpa. He’s still running that place, but it looks a lot better now. He didn’t have chitlins that day, but he had some ribs that woulda made Dreamland proud. I posed for a lot of pictures and don’t think I didn’t leave some new ones for him, along with a signed football.

I made it clear to all my assistants to keep this story and lesson in mind when they’re out on the road. If you remember anything else from me, remember this: It don’t cost nuthin’ to be nice, and the rewards can be unimaginable.

Blessings, 3m

What Does Six Degrees of Separation Have to do With Finding True Love?

•December 7, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Six Degrees of Separation and Finding True Love – To some of you, this may make all of the sense in the world. To others, it may sound like a new age hoax or just something that doesn’t make sense. Actually, you can do your own quick test. Ask 5-10 people you know to be happily married how they met? Inevitably, you will find stories like:

1) We grew up on the same block and never knew each other. Then we met at a party and knew right away that we’d be together for life, or…

2) We were set up by friends, or…

3) We met our freshman year in college, both went our own ways after school, and then met again at a mutual friends wedding,

4) We were childhood sweethearts, but our parents kept us apart. We both married other people but never forgot each other. Both of our marriages failed and we found eachother again, married are living in true bliss,

4) Etc., etc., etc.

If you watch any of the many shows on TV about weddings, brides, wedding planning, etc., listen to the stories about how the couples met. You will hear the same theme over and over again that somehow the couple is together via a connection that is within six degrees — often less. 

If you are a spiritual person, you can attribute this to fate. If you are not, you can attribute it to the sphere of exposure the individuals have established to meet people. In other words, if they limit the place(s) where they spend their time, they will most likely find a person in these areas.  I have my own personal belief, but regardless of the reason, it happens and it happens a lot!   

The process used at 3mmatchmaker embraces this highly successful technique to match couples. Along with the Six Degrees of Separation theory, the Laws of Attraction are trained and used also. The next blog will cover this technique and why it works 😉

If you would like to know more about the 3mmatchmaker process, service and fee, please contact us at

Happy Holidays!


Why a Matchmaker versus an Online Dating Service?

•December 3, 2009 • 2 Comments

Online Dating Services are risky. Yes, there is the risk of meeting a serial killer on a dating site, but fortunately, the odds in that are fairly low. However, the risk of wasting a lot of time and money with disappointing results is very high. Why?

Primarily because dating sites are managed by database engines and geared for quantity not quality and certainly do not require truthfulness. Online Dating Sites work off of prescribed database queries that match people based upon self disclosed information. This means I can say that I am a 6’1” male, early 40’s, married once, no kids, good physique, with an income of over $200k, per year. When in fact, I could very well be 5’9” tall, balding, late 50’s, divorced twice and currently separated from my third wife, four kids (for whom I pay no child support) and self-employed as a computer technician with a $35k income – on a good year. Additionally, the databases that make the matches are designed with a tiered system. In other words, if available, it will match me with someone who meets all of my criteria. If that is not possible, it will  send me to the second tier and match me with someone who meets some of my criteria. And, if that is not available, it will match me with someone who matches one of my criteria. The saddest news about the third tier is that the match is most likely made by using a zip code range and will match me with anyone who can fog a mirror within a 30 mile radius. Now, doesn’t this sound like a good use of your time and hard earned money? Putting your heart in the hands of a database that does not care who, or what, they match you with, is not the way to find your true mate and life partner. The likelihood of you falling madly in love with that one person who can fog a mirror is highly improbable and therefore, the risk is quite high that you will waste time, money and even more importantly, your hopefulness of finding true happiness.

But what about the sites that state that they match you with someone who is compatible to you based upon key criteria and not just superficial things like height, weight, income, etc.? These even more expensive sites have the same fatal flaw as the less expensive sites. They, too, rely on information  that is self disclosed. I had a girlfriend who tried all of the sites. She was attractive, funny, 35, never been married and looking for her soul mate. In light discussion I asked her if she had tried any online  dating sites. She named the obvious ones that use light criteria matching and then named the most recognized name in higher, emotional, psychological criteria matching. When I asked how it was going, she stated that the well known, expensive site was the worst of all. Knowing the answer, but being supportive, I asked, “Why? What makes it the worst?”. She proceeded to tell me that she had gone on a couple of dates with men matched to her from this site and they were all the same. They were all “goody-two shoes, boring, geeky boys”. I explained that what she was getting was based upon how she answered the questions posed to her on the site and that perhaps she was not as honest about her answers as she could have been. Or, her view of who she was truly did not match who she was. In this case, she was an attractive, professionally conservative woman who was a tad “wild party girl” in her personal life. She loved to dance, party and enjoyed good martinis! Nothing wrong with who she was and she would make a perfect match for someone who liked the same things that she did, but who she portrayed herself to be to people who did not know her, was very different from who she really was. For mere visualization purposes, imagine the attractive, yet conservatively dressed, glasses wearing, soft spoken librarian who turns into a party animal after hours. Now, she wasn’t quite this extreme, but close! I encouraged her to re-take the criteria test and answer more honestly. I even offered to help her answer the questions. She insisted that she was completely truthful in how she answered the questions the first time and saw no need to re-take the test. I politely backed off and offered to help her with the 3m matchmaking approach if she was ever interested.

A year later, she came to me. She was still single, very tired of one time dates with strangers and wanted my help. I took her through the 3m approach of interviews with friends, hosted social gatherings with friends, acquaintances and recommended matches and voila, within six months, she was living with the man of her dreams! It has been almost 10 years now and they are still together, have a child and bought their dream home together about three years ago. They never got married. You see, that wasn’t important to her. I always attributed it to her “party girl” persona mixed with good wholesome values that made her want a committed relationship, but not marriage. Somehow, for her, this still made the relationship exciting and fresh. This key personality trait was the reason an online site was never going to find her the right match. The database did not have the ability to decipher what appeared to be contradictory information.  She needed to find someone who was willing to commit to her, even father a child with her, without being married, and a database ‘could not compute’ this relationship style. But I could and I found the right man for her.

So, the bottom-line answer to the question, “Why a matchmaker versus a an Online Dating Site?,” is very simple. Computers and databases deal with solutions that are black and white. Most human interpersonal relationships are neither. Like humans, relationships come in all colors and varying shades of color and a matchmaker can see them and find them and put the complimentary colors together. As a matchmaker, I can see the box that isn’t checked yes and know that it should be 😉

3mmatchmaker specializes in individuals who want a unique experience in finding love by utilizing the Laws of Attraction and the Six Degrees of Separation techniques. Email:

What is a 3m matchmaker?

•December 1, 2009 • Leave a Comment


This blog is a place to discuss feelings about love, finding the right match and how the best matches happen.

Yes, I said, “happen”. Good matches are not a coincidence. They utilize the Laws of Attraction and the Six Degrees of Separation techniques. How often have you had a friend (or yourself) say, “I’ve been thinking about XYZ who I went to high school with/ knew in college/met at a wedding/etc.,” and then they get in contact and end up together? It happens all the time. Your match is most likely not a complete stranger, but someone within six degrees from you right now. Sounds amazing, huh? It is! And that is why we love helping our discreet clients by identifying and providing them with the situations and circumstances to find their match. The process works for those who are open to it. 

If you’re looking for the right match or if you know someone who is, contact us at

If you have comments or questions, we’d like to hear from you so post away!

Happy Days,
